
Auto-Tech of Columbia LLC

Auto Repair, Oil Change Stations, Brake Service & Repair

Phone Number573-874-9690


Address711 N. College Ave., Columbia, 65201, MO, US
711 N. College Ave.


When you're behind the wheel, your safety depends on the health of your vehicle, and your vehicle's health is dependent on the care it receives. Serving Columbia, MO,Auto-Tec h Of Columbia is an engine repair shop that's committed to helping you get the car maintenance you need to ensure that your vehicle is always running at its very best. The company's technicians have been handling engine repair for over 16 yearsand have the experience necessary to give your vehicle the care it deserves.

No job is too big or too small for the skilled technicians at Auto-Tech Of Columbia. The company can handle all your vehicle maintenance needs, from tune-ups and brake service to transmission overhauls and engine repairs. If your check-engine light illuminates or you have problems with your car's air conditioning, Auto-Tech Of Columbia has you covered. This auto center provides service that's both reliable and affordable, and the company's technicians have the skills to keep your vehicle running like new.

The company makes customer service a priorityand offers perks that take the hassle out of car repair. A courtesy shuttle van is available if you need it, and advance estimates help you get an idea of all costs up-front. Auto-Tech Of Columbia also provides service reminders to help clients make sure they're meeting all manufacturer-recommended service requirements for their vehicles.

If you entrust your vehicle to the right auto shop, you can drive with confidence, knowing that your car is being maintained in a way that fosters dependable performance. Put your car maintenance in the most capable and talented hands by choosing Auto-Tech Of Columbia as your auto shop. Learn more by calling the company at (573) 874-9690, or visit Auto-Tech Of Columbia online for more information.

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